Today and Where I Was Not Last Night

We went to the clinic this morning and they took blood and looked at my wrist. They said I have a superficial blood clot. No worries. It is not the kind that can break off and wreak havoc. I just have to put warm compresses on it. The intestinal issues are apparently par for the course. They explained that the digestive track is the first to go to sleep and the last to wake up. And apparently it’s a little grumpy as it wakes up.

After the clinic we walked back to the hotel and stopped and window shopped at Tiffany’s. It was good to be out in the city and walking felt good. Then I really needed a nap.

I woke up at 3 am and never got back to sleep last night. Not sure why. Nothing was hurting and I felt ok. Tonight I’ll try a hot shower and chamomile tea before bed. I would appreciate your prayers that I sleep through the night tonight.

Gay is doing better. They are still watching her liver enzymes and she had another ultrasound today. Blood flow looked good. You can read about it here.

For those of you in North Carolina who have been asking about meals, etc. Jan Hoyle has set up a care calendar. You can go to
(Calendar ID : 66360, Security Code : 6928 )

And on another painful note. Look where I was not last night. Don’t they look miserable? Like they miss me so much that they can’t stand it? Like they can’t have any fun without me? And seriously, they went to a Duke game without me??? Shouldn’t they have stayed home and felt sorry for me?

Duke vs. Temple (Without Me!)

Miserable Children Missing Mommy!

Thanks and LOVE, ~Sonya


2 thoughts on “Today and Where I Was Not Last Night

  1. HA!!!! I know my children would pick a Duke game over me, without me, through me, or whatever, too!!! I have been reading the updates and continue to keep you and Gay in my prayers. Keep hanging in there!!!

    Love from all the Fowkes’

  2. So glad yesterday was better than Wednesday. . . and now let’s have an even better day today! Post-surgery is a long road, isn’t it? I’m glad you have Suzanne there with you (although we’re all feeling jealous of Suzanne for getting to spend so much time with you).

    Your poor children! They do look absolutely miserable in that photo. Such long faces. bless their little hearts. At least Duke won; I’m sure it was a tiny consolation for the little darlings.

    Love ya!

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